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Dentures Frequently Asked Questions

Dentures can be a suitable option for those who are missing one or more teeth.
Those who have no remaining teeth in their mouth will benefit from a full denture. However, for those who still have natural teeth, a partial denture is a more suitable option.
Implant retained dentures are held in place by dental implants. These offer more stability than a typical denture, as they do not slip out of the mouth. However, they can still be removed when needed.
Every patient who is interested in dentures will first have the opportunity to discuss their options with the dentist during a consultation. During this time, any questions they have can be addressed. We will also take x-rays to evaluate the bone structure in their mouth. From there, patients will come back in for impressions. Next, patients will come in for a “try-in” to check the bite. Once the denture is fitted properly and comfortably for the patient, they will take home the final product.

It’s important to take care of your dentures just as you would your natural teeth. Follow these simple tips to properly care for your dentures:

Rinse dentures after eating. Remove your dentures and rinse water over them to get rid of food particles.
Brush and soak daily. Use a nonabrasive denture cleanser to soak and brush your dentures every day. Make sure to rinse them before putting back in your mouth.
Soak overnight. Store your dentures in water or a mild denture soaking solution overnight. If you use a denture solution, make sure to rinse before putting your denture back in your mouth.

When cleaning your dentures, it is best to avoid using the following:

Hot water
Bleaching products
Whitening toothpastes
Abrasive toothbrushes, cleansers or toothpastes.

It’s also important to continue to care for remaining teeth, your gums and in the inside of your mouth by brushing daily.

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