Know The Difference

Stockbridge Denture Options

The Process:
1. Starting with a comprehensive exam and consultation ensures your questions are answered. We will also take panoramic x-rays of the mouth to assess bone structure
2. Patients come in for impressions
3. Come in for a try-in to check the bite and fit
4. Patients receive a temporary until their denture is complete
5. A final denture is ready for the patient

Dentures can be costly and should last a number of years, so it is important to make sure they fit well and have an accurate bite. A more in-depth process ensures our patients are getting a good return on their investment.

beautiful smile

The Process:
At a denture clinic, dentures are fitted and received by the patients within the same day. Many do not allow for necessary changes to ensure a proper, comfortable fit.

1. Fast, one-day treatment
2. Least expensive denture option

1. Made from cheaper materials that typically do not last as long
2.Time not taken to ensure a proper fit
3. No recourse if you are unhappy with the results

Know Your Denture Options

Schedule a Consultation


Full Dentures

Full dentures, also known as complete dentures, are molded to fit your mouth with comfort and precision.   They are used for patients who are missing all of their teeth.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a suitable option for those who still have one or more of their natural teeth.  They fill in the spaces created by missing teeth and help keep remaining teeth from shifting.

Implant Retained Dentures

With implant retained dentures, a denture is attached to a set of dental implants.  The denture is securely held in place, but can still be removed when needed.

See the Difference

Full Dentures

Partial Dentures

Implant Retained Dentures

We’re Here To Help You

Achieve better overall health and well being through quality dental care.

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